Wednesday, December 12, 2007

shh, its a *SECRET*

haha...not really, it's just that I love Gossip Girl. You know the new hit show on the CW. By the creators of The O.C. *sigh* I miss the O.C. Oh well. They say too much tv is bad for you. Its the only show I watch for pleasure, so ha! (i don't count when the girls make me watch Dora or Spongebob! :] Anyway...back to Gossip Girl. Every week they always have great music!!! This week my sister (yes, she likes the show too) discovered The Pierces. And *SECRET* is a freakin' awesome song!! They are so rad! Enjoy :] Hope everyone is enjoying the *holidays*! I think I'm all done with the Xmas shopping! Hooray! I just have the stocking stuffers left to go. And Kira's birthday is coming soon. Dec. 21. Too close to Christmas, but what can you do? She will be 3 already!! soo that's all for a little while. a few hours later and i finally got my photos up!


Krista said...

I love their photos too <3 ! btw...Thanks for the credit!

ana said...

i *love* Gossip Girl too!! and their music as well!!! interesting photo there!

Anonymous said...

I love Gossip Girl - I watch it on YouTube every so often then catch up lol.