Thursday, December 6, 2007


like no one is watching...
here is a recent LO i finished. sorry it's so blurry. i guess i will have to start scanning them in again. if i can get my stupid printer to work. i've been having problems w. it lately :( so...i'm home sick today. i have an awful cold/sinus infection. and then i felt like i had the flu on top of it. yuck, not something i want to take to the nursing home with me. i wanted to leave a quick post w. my last little bit of energy, before i take a nap. oh and we're supposed to get more snow today! probably how i got sick in the first place. i went out to shovel after our first big snow and worked up a huge sweat. i could feel the heat emanating out of my coat when i would slow down for a second. oh well. getting snuggly in the blankies :) have an amazing day!