Tuesday, October 30, 2007
when it's good, it's really good...
So I was looking, I noticed I hadn't posted in quite a while. (It seems like I haven't anyway!) Don't even know why not. I'm on the (silly) computer everyday. Nothing much exciting I guess. Here's a LO I did recently. My oldest Kaci. When she first started to learn to draw, she would draw me pictures all the time. I will miss having *little* ones around soon. (or so it seems) Kira, who will be *3* soon, is growing so fast! Where did the time go? Yes, I know, it's clique to say, isn't it. But oh so true. Where is my real life pause button...haha... I love my family so much! Way blessed to have these two in my life!!! These two: so cute!
ps, the camera Kaci has in the top photo? This was like when she was maybe 2ish. I turned my back for a minute and she threw the camera into the microwave. Yuppers...*sigh* it still worked, even after all the sparks flew...Oh well, now one was hurt :)
Posted by *danielle* at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
Yes, i got tagged twice in one day. Tagged by my sister Krista, and again by Ari. This may sound silly, but I've never been tagged...until today. twice :) Lets see how it goes. It goes by 6: answer 6 questions and tag six people. Easy enough...ha! 1.If you could have the last hour prior to reading this tag again, what would you do differently? Honestly? Nothing. It was time well spent with family :) Kira and I had fun tickling each other. Kaci and I made a felt pouch together. And Jesse is playing WOW. Sucks, but at least he is up now. (super sick: lyme's disease) 2. You can go back in time for exactly one hour, where and at what time in history would you go? ooh good one! I'd want to go back in time to make it to a beautiful masquerade ball. and wear beautiful corsets and frilly skirts! I would think that would be pretty rad. 3.You have one hour to make a handmade item, what would you make? I'd make a mini book. I learned I can make a cute one in an hour! :) 4.If you cold lose one bad habit, what would it be? procrastinate. i'm awful :( 5.In less than sixty words, describe your perfect Sunday night. listening to pandora radio, baking some goodies w/the girls, and scrapping away afterwards :) 6. List sixty things you could do with that extra hour (after time change). play kitty w. the girls, color w. chalk, write a love letter, scrapbook, daydream, fold laundry, work on our scarve(hand sewn, so fun!) take pictures, learn something new, make new friends, go to the Haunted Hotel, spread the love, raid the thrift shop, take a walk, make some new CDs, make a cheesecake, tell them I *love* them lots! Hope you had a fun read! Enjoy being tagged! Silje Natalie Louise Charin Bekka Fauve
Posted by *danielle* at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
This is my take on the latest Scrapjacked Challenge. Sooooo excited to join. yOu know, I'm on that kick for new and exciting things! I know, i need to get out more. This is sort of my way of trying though. Its quite hard for me to make friends, so i am hoping that the love of scrapping and the internet will help me out on this one...(:
For my LO, a lot of it is Love, Elsie products, except for the paint and stamps, thats Making Memories. And the cute little circles and square journal space I made myself out of left over plastic that some of my embellies come in :) Oh, and a Sharpie! Tons of fun! Hmmm, lack of sleep must have made me so silly tonight. Hope everyone is having an amazing day, afternoon, or night! lots of love, des
Posted by *danielle* at 10:07 PM 7 comments
so...i've started exploring again! :) learning lots of new & old things. having alot of fun. i added a few new links on the left, under *luv* this stuff. especially for the scrapper, i found some great stuff to participate in. so freakin' excited...haha...my sister reminded me the other day, there aren't enough hours in the day. so true. anyway, here is a group of my recent fave photos. want to try and make myself look around at least once a week. so, my goal is to try to post my faves every thursday. wish me luck :) have an amazing day! xoxo des
Posted by *danielle* at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
delicious fall colours
Posted by *danielle* at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fun little mini books I made last Wednesday. They were sooo fun! And they barely took any time to throw together. The one on the left is a deck of cards held together with Love, Elsie's fabric paper. Its just a few photos that i didn't really want to scrap but i did at the same time. They weren't great photos, but there were special b.c. they were family time together. So in to this cute little album they went. Seriously, it only took about an hour to put together, total. How awesome! The one on the right is the same situation, special time together. Thrown together in this cardstock album. It's held together with strips of paper. It probably took about an total as well. I really had a blast putting them together. I felt like i got alot done. And thats always a good thing when it comes to scrapping away those memories! :)
Posted by *danielle* at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
*fresh fall air*
so...i know i'm not much for an outdoors kind of person. but when it comes to fall, i love it! the fresh air is amazing. you can go outside in yummy hoodies & sweaters & cute little hats! everything is just so crisp :) you know what i mean...haha... yesterday we took a trip to the boat landing in Blue River. i'm not sure why, i think i thought i would get some good photos of anything i could find! it turned into rock throwing. one of our fav pastimes! we had such a blast together. i couldn't get any good photos of the girls together b.c. the sun was right in my eyes and i couldn't tell exactly what i was getting. so this is what i did end up with:
lots of love, and happy treasure findings! des
Posted by *danielle* at 9:15 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
*kira*kira* she is such a sight to see! like the energizer bunny, she goes and goes...there never seems to be a dull moment with her. it is so good to see her, and watch her pretend! I love that so much. it's so fun to watch kaci to play pretend too. if you listen to her dialoge, it will make you giggle. one time she gave her Barbies the same conversation we had just gotten done having in the car :) so sweet...
Posted by *danielle* at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Yes! all those yummy journals came in the mail for *me* the other day. so excited! i've been waiting for someone to send me some. I have been itching to do some collage journaling. not much else going on. i only work mornings for the whole month of October. it's nice working in the morning with the simple fact being; you feel like you have more time in your day. yeah, it sucks getting up at 4 am, but when your done working for the day its still sunny out. not driving home in the dark watching for deer! maybe it's just me, but i feel like i get a little more out of my day. the downside is going to bed at 9pm. oh, and i can tell when i'm getting incredible cranky or grumpy b/c of my lack of sleep. you know, it's not lack of sleep really. i'm just used to getting a few more hours in. but they say you only need 6 hours to function well, and it's supposed to be good for the memory :)
Posted by *danielle* at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
and not to be forgotten...
i think i've shown lots of kira lately. here's one of kaci. she's my oldest at 6 and 1/2. she's a very thoughtful and polite little girl for six. :) Kaci loves to help around the house and take care of her baby sister. she watches a little too much tv: spongebob, icarlie, drake & josh. i think those are a few favs. she also enjoys school and learning how to read. and she still likes playing Little Pets and Bratz/Barbie/MyScenes. She'll have you know they are all very different. They are not all Barbies. and I say she 'still' likes to; as in her aunt who is only 8, thinks she is already to old for Barbies and the such. the girls in the commercial are older than 8! oh how kids can be silly... love you cutie!
Posted by *danielle* at 4:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
save the drama for your mama...
Every time I want to get Kira's pictures done at Wal-Mart, it always fails. We end up leaving with her screaming and crying. She just doesn't like to sit up on that table. I don't get it. I never had this problem with Kaci. Well...I did, but she eventually got over it and let them take her picture. UGH! I tried setting up shop at my house. I had tried once before and it didn't work. It was for easter pics. My sister was there to help, but we didn't really get any good ones. Anyway, back to the main story. I set up some blankets over the couch and wall. Added some of our couch pillows for color and got out this cute pedestal my aunt gave me 6 years ago. It looked awesome. I figured, hey, we are in the comforts of our home. Can't be that bad. As the first picture shows, it must have been awful...haha... After awhile of trying I just decided to ignore her. I figured if I did that she'd mellow out and play with them on her own. And she did. Except when ever she saw the camera come out she would run and scream. I had to be very stealth. :) I think the bottom one isn't too bad. i wouldn't mind opinions. Is this a photo you would hang on the wall?
Posted by *danielle* at 1:25 PM 2 comments